
26 May 2017
Multichannel and Omnichannel: What Does It Mean To Customers?
A retailer knows best how crucial technology is to improve sales. The product may sell on old-fashioned values, but the rest better be cutting edge. Why? To match the customer, who leaps on to newer and better tech by the day. In the age-old chestnut about omnichannel and multichannel, let's hash out some key variables which can make or break the sale. In-store, on the app, over a call or online, these are but 'channels' via which the customer interacts with a retailer. Just to get the truth out of the way, 'the customer now doesn't care which channel it takes to get the product to him'. It ju...
Tags: multi-channel, e-commerce, omnichannel, customer,

20 May 2017
Why Is Billable Viable Product An Alternative To Minimum Viable Product?
The minimum viable product (MVP) prototype was introduced three decades ago. Until then the startups
spent a few
years adding intricacies to the product after its development. This was a futile model because apart from the time
being wasted, the end products were not preferred by the customers due to several additional features. When the MVP
model was launched, it was aimed at developing a product with the most demanding lineaments a customer required. As
per the MVP protocol, the product was bought into the market at a stage when its applications were nominal

10 May 2017
Where Do The Customers Go In The First Place To Buy, Generic Vs Niche Site?
Taking the right decision for an entrepreneur in the E-Commerce world is probably the hardest part. A wrong decision
can ruin all the plans that you have for your E-Commerce website. The foremost decision that any entrepreneur has to
take when setting foot to the realm of E-Commerce is to set the tone for their website. What is the perfect tone for
your E-Commerce website? Should it be generic one? Or is it better to follow a particular niche? A generic website
or a niche site; which one creates the maximum appeal among the customers? These questions haunt every person who...
Tags: e-commerce, generic, customer, niche site,

03 May 2017
Out Of Stock Products To The End Of The List In Magento Category Page
The shopping experience has gone better and better with more and more eCommerce sites. Magentois the market leader among E-Commerce
platform. The leading E-Commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc., are listing the products even if there is no
stock in it, but listing it at the end of the listed items. However, this feature is not available with default
Magento platform as out of stock products should be pushed to the end of the list. Here we are giving you the way to
achieve the task with code (query). This is a working code, running successfully with our live projects...
Tags: magento,