27 Dec 2013
Synamen announces new CEO
**Chennai, India** – December 27, 2013 – Synamen Thinklabs Private Limited, a software development company headquartered in Chennai, India, announced appointment of a new CEO. Sivaraj Doddannan will be taking over as CEO of the five year old company from January 1, 2014. He joined Synamen earlier this year, and has been working with the leadership team in fine tuning its growth strategy. Sivaraj comes with over 20 years of experience in IT industry, and has worked in public sector and multinational companies in his career. In his last job in IBM, he managed the maintenance of entire backoffice...
Tags: admin,

16 Nov 2017
Fab 15 JavaScript methods to overcome jQuery usage
Every business must make sure that their websites work fast on all devices. The users are extremely
sensitive to web
performance, even the smallest change in the website load time alters traffic noticeably. The website should be
spontaneously reactive and engage visitors quickly for every action visitor performs.
Most of the developers use certain javascript libraries like jQuery, which make it easier for them to
frontend functionalities. But take a moment to consider if you actually need jQuery as a dependency. If you're only
targeting more modern browse...
Tags: avoid jquery, javascript, website performance optimization,

20 May 2017
Why Is Billable Viable Product An Alternative To Minimum Viable Product?
The minimum viable product (MVP) prototype was introduced three decades ago. Until then the startups
spent a few
years adding intricacies to the product after its development. This was a futile model because apart from the time
being wasted, the end products were not preferred by the customers due to several additional features. When the MVP
model was launched, it was aimed at developing a product with the most demanding lineaments a customer required. As
per the MVP protocol, the product was bought into the market at a stage when its applications were nominal

14 Mar 2018
A deadline has been set by Google for HTTPS and Warns Developers to Upgrade
Google has announced a due date of July 2018 as the date for when Chrome will start explicitly
warning users if a site is not safe with HTTPS certificate. As Chrome is used more than 50% of the internet browser
worldwide, this change can have a significant impact on the developers, so get your client website from http to
https. A cautioning may influence how to secure clients feel and may make a few visitors leave a site, which will
adversely be affecting a sites bounce rate, advertising impressions, affiliate clicks, and E-Commerce sales.
How are they going to warn users...
Tags: bounce rate, google ranking, http, https, not-secure,

22 Dec 2017
Key Things to Consider Before Moving Your Sales Model Online
Moving from an offline-only sales model to online-only sales model, or a hybrid approach makes a lot of sense. More
buyers begin their decision-making process on the web, either by distinguishing items to purchase, who to get them
from, or both. In any case, this progress is a major one for any organization.
Role of your website in your sales process
The answer to this inquiry will drive your overall strategy. For example, some
Tags: b2b, sales, offline, online, technology,

04 Dec 2017
11 Obstacles to B2B Business Growth (Part 2)
7) Thinking about E-Commerce in Isolation
B2B E-Commerce does not work in seclusion. Omni-channel experience is the thing
that clients expect today, so distinguish all channels you can connect with your clients on and build a strategy
that considers how these different channels interface with each other. For instance, field delegates should be
prepared to use the energy of E-Commerce to build transformation and drive deals. 8) Not
Enough Content Be it B2B or B2C, Content is the KING, from enhancing your SEO helps the customers to make
an informed decision on buyin...
Tags: e-commerce, b2b, seo, analytics, omni-channel,

27 Nov 2017
11 Obstacles to B2B Business Growth (Part 1)
As B2B companies are moving from traditional promoting and basic online ordering portals to a whole digital commerce
channel, there are several demanding situations they need to consider and deal with in addition to capabilities and
functionalities that they need to make certain are in place before release.
1) Customer demands and the growth of B2B>
Although B2B E-Commerce is at the rise, the scenario like the preferred vendors
does not offer online purchasing alternatives or people who do are cumbersome and not as easy to shop from occurs
too often in today’s commercial...
Tags: e-commerce, customer engagement, b2b, custom catalogs, digital marketing, generic,

08 Sep 2017
Small but important things to observe in Startups
Today, we live in a world where 305 million startup companies are launched annually. With over 472
million entrepreneurs around the world, we have come to a stage where becoming your own boss is the most attractive
“job” there is. With considerably more courses offered by renowned universities and mentorship programs coming into
existence, one would assume the 90% failure rate of startups to be absurd. After all, how hard can it really be?
Well, hopefully after reading this article, the reader will have a better understanding of the small and yet
important things that...
Tags: ideas, innovation, startups,

10 May 2017
Where Do The Customers Go In The First Place To Buy, Generic Vs Niche Site?
Taking the right decision for an entrepreneur in the E-Commerce world is probably the hardest part. A wrong decision
can ruin all the plans that you have for your E-Commerce website. The foremost decision that any entrepreneur has to
take when setting foot to the realm of E-Commerce is to set the tone for their website. What is the perfect tone for
your E-Commerce website? Should it be generic one? Or is it better to follow a particular niche? A generic website
or a niche site; which one creates the maximum appeal among the customers? These questions haunt every person who...
Tags: e-commerce, generic, customer, niche site,