05 Feb 2018
Website Changes That Make A Big Difference To Your Bounce Rate (Part - I)
When you start to see a high bounce rate on your landing pages, it's a flag that your site and content
marketing strategy needs a practical redesign. Decreasing your bounce rate can helps your conversion rate. When you
learn conversion architecture, you can build up an clear content strategy that will help to develop your business.
1. Improve Your Content’s Readability One reason that your target customers leave
your site is a lack of readability. User experience begins when your content is readable and neat. In particular,
large chunks of text frightens readers away,...

22 Jan 2018
PageSpeed to be used as Ranking Signal in Mobile search also after its initial launch, 8 years ago
Google has declared that, from July 2018, pagespeed will turn into a ranking factor in mobile search
also since they
have been using speed as a ranking signal for desktop search since 2010, and they have named it as “Speed Update”.
Speed Update will be targeting only the slowest loading pages and to make it complicated Google has not released any
standalone tool to determine whether a website page is affected by this algorithm update. But here some resources
that can be helpful in evaluating a website page speed.
Chrome User Experience Report
Tags: mobile search, pagespeed, seo, speed update,

14 Oct 2017
The 5 Steps Needed For Putting Online Reputation Management into Action
Are you wondering about how to improve on self-values or your enterprise levels in the virtual world?
Looking to form a few action steps to get them into action? Check this article to know more about online reputation
management and start planning your success steps. Why Do You Need Online Reputation
Management? Gone are the days when life was as simple as having only food, clothing and shelter. Neither
are the days of waiting for the news until the next day when the newspaper comes in, or the radio cracks its voice
at low frequency to give us the updates about wha...
Tags: digital marketing, online reputation management, search engines,

09 Aug 2017
If You Know These Benefits Of Online Reputation Management, You May Change Your Perspective
Online reputation management is vital to the functioning and publicity of any company or business.
Most people seem to accept the idea that online reputation management simply refers to managing the
company’s contents on social media or publicity via websites and various online platforms.
Online Reputation Management through, covers a much wider spectrum of items.
Quick response to queries
Taking suggestions from customers
Customising equipment and products according to different wants and tastes
Handling reviews effectively and according to the situation
So o...
Tags: digital marketing, online reputation management, online marketing,

15 Jul 2017
How To Do SEO Marketing, Leverage Google Assistance?
What Is Search Engine Marketing
Internet marketing strategies can be made more effective through pay per click (PPC) campaigns through
paid advertising. These campaigns depend on the site’s operators goals. SEM or Search engine marketing is the custom
of running, designing, and optimizing search engine campaigns for ads. The difference between SEO marketing and SEO
is the between unpaid and paid ranking priority in search results.
Google Assistant In SEO Marketing
Google today, is one of the biggest search engines that is present on the world wide web. This search
Tags: seo, sales, digital marketing, google search,

30 Jun 2017
Social Commerce And Its Increasing Dominance
Social networking sites have become the eternal abode of Gen Y. They are experts at the skill of
multitasking any work that doesn't involve two hands and you can find the smartphone in the other. Be it during a
commute or waiting at a doctor’s office, you can find people glued to their smartphones and scrolling through
e-commerce catalogues. Our two favourite pastimes are social media and online shopping. These two have produced an
even more alluring offspring, Social Commerce. Social Commerce is when you are scrolling through your favourite
social media site and see a...
Tags: e-commerce, sales, social media,

16 Jun 2017
Why Moving To Digital Marketing Can Be A Game Changer?
The decade of the 1990’s marked the gradual shift from traditional methods of marketing and promotion to
digital marketing, due to the increase in the usage of Internet. A statistic from Global Web Index (GWI) 2017, shows
about 50% of the 7.4 billion population in the country now uses the Internet on a daily basis. Information on the
Internet can be easily accessed by a widespread audience. Thus, businesses can utilize digital channels to acquire a
large number of consumers. Visual content such as images, product videos and infographics can be easily shared. This

26 Apr 2017
Allow Googlebot To Crawl JavaScript And CSS For Effective Processing Of Your Website
Years ago, there existed a time when search engine bots never used to crawl or index web pages (website)
dynamically created by JavaScript and CSS. The static HTML source code was all they could have a look at and it
all seemed good and easy in the world of Webmasters. But of course, Google has always stuck to the Charles
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution quite literally and has evolved itself into a bot that understands web pages by
crawling its JavaScript and CSS files. This new update from Google got an apprehensive response from the
Webmasters and the initial reaction w...
Tags: seo, seo, crawling, crawling, googlebot, googlebot, page ranking, page ranking, webmaster, webmaster,

26 Apr 2017
Allow Googlebot To Crawl JavaScript And CSS For Effective Processing Of Your Website
Years ago, there existed a time when search engine bots never used to crawl or index web pages (website)
dynamically created by JavaScript and CSS. The static HTML source code was all they could have a look at and it
all seemed good and easy in the world of Webmasters. But of course, Google has always stuck to the Charles
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution quite literally and has evolved itself into a bot that understands web pages by
crawling its JavaScript and CSS files. This new update from Google got an apprehensive response from the
Webmasters and the initial reaction w...
Tags: seo, seo, crawling, crawling, googlebot, googlebot, page ranking, page ranking, webmaster, webmaster,
16 Feb 2018
Website Changes That Make A Big Difference To Your Bounce Rate (Part - 2)
When you start to see a high bounce rate on your landing pages, it is a flag that your site and content
marketing strategy needs a practical redesign.
7. Attract the Right Visitors not high bounce rate
On the off chance that your content strategy is not yielding the right visitors and increase sales for
you, it is an ideal opportunity to make improvements. There is nothing as effective as publishing custom content
that is "ideal" for your market, utilizing a content strategy that considers each stage of the sales cycle. The
mistake that a lot of content marketers make is...