18 Jun 2018
3 important priorities for Mobile commerce strategy in B2B business
As we move further into the digital age, Customers pay for more than your product. They also expect to pay for the experience. In order to retain business, B2B companies must embrace digitization and mobile commerce strategy. Customers will quickly move on to other suppliers if you do not provide the web and mobile interfaces they are looking for.
Whether your business is at the beginning of its journey, in the process of formulating its business strategy or already well established, no matter where your business falls in the path to digital maturity, it pays to have a mobile strategy in orde...
Tags: b2b business, mobile commerce strategy,

11 Jan 2018
Adding Mobile Advertising Platform into Your Ionic Mobile App
Scenario: When your mobile app becomes a global or a domestic hit, you can monetize
users quickly with AdMob, by showing ads to users in more than 200 markets.
Detailed Description: AdMob by Google helps you monetize your mobile application through in-app advertising. Ads can be displayed as
banner ads, interstitial ads, video ads, or native ads—which are seamlessly added to platform native UI components.
On Android, you can additionally display in-app purchase ads, which allow users to purchase advertised products from
within your app. This Cordova plugin enables displayi...
Tags: admob, ionic, mobile advertising platform, mobile app development,
09 Sep 2022
What Happens if You Still Haven’t Migrated from Magento 1?
Officially Magento 1 has met its end of life in June 2020. There is no longer any security updates or
feature enhancements anymore. Without any security patches, those sites still persistent with Magento 1, are highly
posed to vulnerable cyberattacks and hackers. E-Commerce companies had considerable time for a game-changer decision
and to migrate to Magento 2. Though the website might not collapse immediately but there sure will be impact that is
going to be damaging. You will be putting your e-commerce customers at risk.
Browse through the challenges you are...
Tags: magento,

15 Dec 2017
6 Steps to building a Long-Term strategy for mobile app
If your business is online and lacks integrated mobile commerce
you’re missing out a great opportunity for sales. Regardless of whether you have a live mobile app, it might be an
ideal opportunity to reassess. Organizations have worked quickly to take care of the demand for mobile app and go
after the billions of dollars up for grab, however many have hurried into M-Commerce without understanding that
success depends on the correct technology.
1) Begin with a Clear Strategy
Is your primary goal to provide customers with a research tool to help them in t...
Tags: e-commerce, sales, technology, m-commerce, mobile application,

23 Aug 2017
13 Things You Should Know Before You Start Developing A Mobile App For Corporate
The mobile app market has grown leaps and bounds in recent years and is expected to grow more as
people’s reliance on the app-based businesses is increasing. Building a world
class app takes more than just an innovative idea. Here are some points to keep in mind before you start
developing one. 1. Thoroughly Researching The Market There are more than 4.5 million
apps available on app stores of Google and Apple combined. The competition is fierce, and if you want your mobile
app to survive the test of time and users’ faith, you need to do a deep research of the mark...
Tags: mobile app development, corporate,

21 Jun 2017
Hybrid Platform Can Also Be A Right Choice For Your Mobile App!
The mobile application development industry has been growing exponentially. As of March 2017, there are
5 million apps available on Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store combined. This number is further growing since
the number of Smartphone users has also been increasing. In 2020, the number of users is predicted to be 2.87
billion. In addition, the revenue generated by mobile applications is expected to increase to a massive 189 billion
US dollars, according to a report by Statista.
Mobile applications have been categorized into
Native applications
Mobile w...
Tags: hybrid, mobile apps, native,

09 Jun 2017
M-Commerce: The Future Of E-Commerce
The concept of E-Commerce or Electronic Commerce has boomed over the recent years due to the rise in the
use of Internet worldwide. Quick, instantaneous and fast E-Commerce has paved the path for online buying and
selling. With the increased use of Smartphones, Mobile focussed
commerce or M-Commerce is becoming increasingly popular. A study conducted by LexisNexis confirms that it is
on the verge of becoming the most common method of shopping in the coming years.
Increased Use of Smartphone
Over 1.2 billion people access the internet daily using their Smartphone, acco...
Tags: e-commerce, m-commerce, shopping,