28 Mar 2019
Are you ready to take international customers and reach the global market?
Global expansion is one of the main emphases for traders, but they fail to explore due to cultural,
geographic and language barriers, varying practices and unique online behaviors making the daunting task seem like a
difficult challenge. To make the business successful one should think beyond the usual. Global retail sales have
surpassed $23 trillion including both in-store and online purchases, and overall international retail sales are
projected to strike at almost $28 trillion by 2020. According to surveys, over 90% percent of Japanese customers
make credit card pay...
Tags: magento, international,

01 Jun 2017
Use Of Colors In Magento Admin Sales Order Grid
The Magento is a platform that scales up with your business. With a dedicated server (or decent
configuration) there should be no problem adding virtually unlimited number of products on your site with
network traffic ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 visits a month. As Magento is used for more serious online shops
which has potential to receive more orders, and hence the order processing is one of the high priority task for
the admin users.
The Magento admin panel is a simple one with necessary feature. However the UI/UX shall be impr...
16 Sep 2022
What you need to consider for migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2!
A better alternative is here for Magento users. If you are still using Magento 1, consider migrating to
Magento 2 for
several reasons that could give your customers a positive shift in the way they do business. This change has been
going on from 2018 and there was enough time for all to consider the benefits of the change.
We give you few critical points to ponder before you tread upon the migration to do it hassle free. Synamen has already discussed about why Magento 1 users
must migrate to 2. Now, we would like to list the pointers that help you understand what to d...
Tags: magento,
05 Sep 2022
Why Migrate to Magento 2 Now!
People do not stay on a sinking boat. Magento 1 support is officially stopped from 30th June 2020. If
you are using Magento 1, you must get off the sinking boat. Critical things are becoming obsolete now, like security
concerns and third-party extensions. Before it turns out to be worse, get off Magento 1 and choose the next right
version Magento 2. As you will be spending money to re-platform, understand what it gives you and validate if it’s
the right choice. Evaluate if the enhancements in Magento 2, justifies the re-platform. With the support ended for
Magento 1, n...
Tags: magento,
26 May 2022
The new revelation to Magento E-Commerce
Magento ecommerce development is becoming the popular choice for many E-Commerce clients to migrate.
This favourite eCommerce platform is used by 12% of all online stores and is currently powering approximately 1.2%
of the entire internet. It is the best open-source platform to build an online store. And yet, very professional,
and totally free. This platform released in 2008 by Varien and developed on Zend Framework was acquired by Adobe in
Most of the Magento stores today run on Magento 2, but a newest version is available. With evolving
technology Magento de...
Tags: admin,
05 Mar 2022
‘Magento’, the perfect fit for your B2B Website
The E-Commerce landscape is transforming hugely and increasing rapidly with consumers heading towards
online purchases more. It is the right time to leverage the best E-Commerce platform for developing a website.
Online purchases are going to increase more in the coming years. When the number of purchases gets big, the
opportunities to enhance the digital experience are ample. One must make use of this opportunity at hand.
The best E-Commerce platform is the need of the hour, if you are an enterprise searching for the best
platform and ecommerce development company, you h...
Tags: admin,
28 Feb 2022
Magento Vs. Shopify – An Analogy
Within today’s E-Commerce and its B2B (Business-to-Business) working model, and in the leading era of
digital technology and the internet, we see many businesses moving to the online space for better reach, transaction
and sales. We have seen a spike in their numbers especially owing to the current pandemic raging due to the COVID-19
In the last few years, many platforms and websites have arisen to help these businesses in their
E-Commerce ventures. And amongst some of their top-performing platforms, we find Magento and
Shopify. How do B2B customers use these...
Tags: admin,
18 Feb 2019
What's new in Magento 2.3 and how it can be useful for Magento Merchants?
One of the key highlights of the year for the Magento Community is the release of Magento 2.3. With this
updates have been made to Magento’s tech stack with new revolutionary features and security fixes to help E-Commerce
merchants grow their business and also enhance developers to fulfill client expectations with more concrete results.
A quick answer to what’s new in Magento 2.3 would be better performance, higher security, and innovation throughout
the extremely popular platform and revamp the default E-Commerce experience.
Magento communi...
Tags: admin,
29 Jan 2019
Progressive Web App Primer for Early Adopting Magento Merchants
The augmentation of the web has taken us from distinct versions of a website to desktop versus mobile
versions to responsive sites that adapt according to screen size, and then to native mobile apps, that either
recreate the desktop expertise as a native app or act as a portal to the responsive version. The latest iteration of
all this is PWA. It is the replacement of a responsive website. PWA the trending browsing mobile
method PWA is a software platform that aims to merge the best of both the web and the native experience
for website or app users. These mobile op...
Tags: magento pwa studio, progressive web app, pwa,

30 Aug 2017
Custom Shopping Cart Price Rule Condition
Magento offers a set of Shopping cart price rules, which will be helpful for the merchant for various
promotions. However, there are difficult situations that merchant face to promote unique offers with given
conditions & attributes. Hence merchant requires to have an additional condition for shopping cart price rule
(Discount with or without coupon). Detailed Description: Magento is a leading
open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP. Fully functional, user-friendly, customizable, secure, robust and
feature-rich, Magento has strong evidence of success in the eCo...
Tags: magento, add new condition in shopping cart, custom shopping cart price rule,

03 May 2017
Out Of Stock Products To The End Of The List In Magento Category Page
The shopping experience has gone better and better with more and more eCommerce sites. Magentois the market leader among E-Commerce
platform. The leading E-Commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc., are listing the products even if there is no
stock in it, but listing it at the end of the listed items. However, this feature is not available with default
Magento platform as out of stock products should be pushed to the end of the list. Here we are giving you the way to
achieve the task with code (query). This is a working code, running successfully with our live projects...
Tags: magento,

17 Apr 2017
How Magento Framework Benefits B2B E-Commerce Businesses?
Magento platformis certainly the best at
present. According to Alexa, 26% of top E-Commerce sites are using Magento E-Commerce development as their platform.
Open source, fully functional, user-friendly, customizable, secure, robust and feature-rich, Magento has strong
evidence of success in the B2C market but do you know how delighting it is for B2B commercial space?Here’s how
Magento framework benefits B2B E-Commerce business with its amazing features:
It’s easy and intuitive feel makes B2B shopping as simple as B2C
B2B buyers want to shop directly from the vendors, w...
Tags: magento, e-commerce, b2b,